18 April 2023
1.- Ownership of the Website
The following text contains the information necessary to comply with the provisions of the Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights and the REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the Protection of Personal Data and implementing provisions, with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

We therefore recommend that you read them carefully, as accessing this website and/or maintaining commercial relations with KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., S.L. implies the commitment and acceptance, without reservation, of the conditions described below, and those of our collaborators, booking.com and availroom.com.

KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., S.L., wishes to inform the users of its website, the policy carried out regarding the treatment and protection of personal data of those people who voluntarily use the registration forms, e-mails and means of contact in general, to contract, subscribe or contact KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., or use any of the services offered on the website, which imply the communication of their personal data to KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., S.L.

Identification of the person responsible for the file: KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., S.L., informs the user of its web page of the existence of several automated personal data files whose responsible is KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., S.L., with C.I.F. B-42677310 and registered office at Calle Londres 35 Bis, Esc. 3 Planta 2, Puerta 10 Finestrat. Alicante, where the personal data of users and/or clients who communicate with KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., S.L. are collected and stored.

Purpose of the files: The communication of personal data by the user to KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., through its website can only be understood to take place when they voluntarily use the contracting, subscription or consultation services, to contact KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., or through the contact e-mails, given that, in these cases the processing of data is inevitable and implicit in the contact system. For these cases, and those described in the following section, the entity informs the client and/or user that the processing of the data is carried out for the following purposes: To carry out all the procedures related to the management of services offered on the website, to allow the contracting and provision of services of KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., S.L., as well as to send advertising or commercial prospecting expressly authorised by the user/client who is interested. As well as attending to and answering the communications received and maintaining historical commercial relations. The user is obliged to provide truthful information when completing all the required data.

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data that you provide to us, as well as to our collaborators, may be the execution of a potential and/or subscribed contractual relationship, the legitimate interest and/or the consent of the interested party. The data that we request from you are adequate, relevant and strictly necessary and in no case are you obliged to provide them, but failure to provide them may affect the purpose of the service or make it impossible to provide it.

Your data will be kept for the minimum time necessary for the correct provision of the service offered, as well as to meet the responsibilities that may arise from it and any other legal requirement.

KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., informs that this privacy policy contains all the aspects related to the treatment of personal data that KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., as the party responsible for it, carries out. Thus, it is informed that when the user does not maintain commercial relations with KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., and sends an e-mail or a communication to KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., indicating other personal data, the user will be giving his/her free, unequivocal, specific, informed and express consent for the treatment of his/her personal data by KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., for the purposes established above, as well as to attend his/her communication or to send documentation.

Identification of the recipients for whom KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., S.L. plans to transfer or access data on behalf of third parties: KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., S.L. plans to transfer or communicate data to fulfil its obligations to the Public Administrations in those cases where this is required in accordance with the legislation in force at any given time and, where appropriate, to other bodies such as Judges, the Public Prosecutor, Courts, the Court of Auditors or the Ombudsman.

Exercise of rights recognised in the RGPD: The data protection rights held by data subjects are:

– Right to request access to personal data relating to the data subject.

– Right of rectification or erasure.

– The right to object.

– The right to request the limitation of their processing.

– Right to data portability.

The owners of the personal data obtained, may exercise their rights of personal data protection, by means of a written request addressed to KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., at the following address: C/Londres, 35. Bloque 2 Esc. 3 P10 03509 Finestrat. Alicante or to the e-mail address contacto@hotelaltaia.es including in both cases a photocopy of your ID card or other equivalent identification document that proves your ownership, indicating in the subject “Data Protection Rights”.

Security measures adopted in relation to the processing of personal data: KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., informs the user that, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on Security Measures, it has adopted the technical and organisational measures necessary to guarantee the security of personal data and avoid its alteration, loss, unauthorised processing or access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed. Likewise, KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., guarantees the user, client, supplier or third party in general the fulfilment of the duty of professional secrecy with respect to the personal data of users and the duty to protect them.

Social Networks: KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L., is present in Linkedin, Instagram, Google Plus and Facebook, with the purpose of informing about the services offered, as well as any other activity or event that is carried out and wants to advertise and at no time will obtain from them personal data of users who interact in them, unless there is express authorisation.

Communication of activities of an illicit and/or inappropriate nature: KEY ALTEA GRANDE S.L. would appreciate any suggestion or advice from users of the website, as well as any communication in the event of detecting that the content of its own pages or those accessed via links disseminate content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic or pornographic nature or any other type of information that violates the fundamental rights and public freedoms recognised by the constitution and international treaties. Please contact contacto@hotelaltaia.es