On the website https://hotelaltaia.es / we use cookies to facilitate the relationship of visitors with our content and to allow us to compile statistics on the visits we receive.

In compliance with Directive 2009/136/EC, implemented in our legislation by the second paragraph of Article 22 of the Law on Information Society Services and following the guidelines of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, we proceed to inform you in detail of the use of cookies on our website.

Definition and Cookies Policy

What are cookies? A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain web pages. Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their computer and, depending on the information they contain and the way you use your computer, they can be used to recognise the user. In short, the purpose of cookies is to provide the User with faster access to the selected Services.

Types of Cookies

Cookies, depending on their permanence, can be divided into session or permanent Cookies. The former expire when the User closes the browser. The latter expire when the purpose for which they are used is fulfilled or when they are manually deleted.

Additionally, depending on their purpose, Cookies can be classified as follows:

PERFORMANCE COOKIES: This type of Cookie remembers your preferences for the tools found in the Services, so you do not have to reconfigure the service each time you visit.

REGISTRATION COOKIES: Registration Cookies are generated once the User has registered or subsequently logged in, and are used to identify you on the Services for the following purposes:

To keep the User identified so that, if he/she closes a Service, the browser or the computer and at another time or another day re-enters said Service, he/she will continue to be identified, thus facilitating his/her browsing without having to identify him/herself again. This functionality can be deleted if the User clicks on the “close session” functionality, so that this Cookie is deleted and the next time the User enters the Service he/she will have to log in to be identified.

Additionally, some Services may use connectors with social networks such as Facebook or Twitter. When the User registers for a Service with credentials from a social network, he/she authorises the social network to store a persistent Cookie that remembers his/her identity and grants him/her access to the Services until it expires. The User can delete this Cookie and revoke access to the Services through social networks by updating their preferences on the specific social network.

ANALYTICAL COOKIES: These are cookies that are either processed by the owner of the website or by third parties and allow the number of users to be quantified and thus carry out the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by users of the service offered. To this end, their browsing on the website is analysed in order to improve the range of products or services offered.

ADVERTISING COOKIES: These are those which, either processed by the owner of the website or by third parties, allow the most efficient possible management of the advertising space available on the website, adapting the content of the advertisement to the content of the service requested or to the use made of the website. To do this, your Internet browsing habits can be analysed and advertising related to your browsing profile can be shown to you.

What types of cookies does this website use?

Users can use their browser to check what types of cookies are used on any website.

Checking in Google Chrome

1) Right-click anywhere in the background of the website and select “inspect” from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, while on the web you can press the keystroke (Ctrl+Shift+i).

2) In the new pop-up window that opens, click on “application”.

3) In the list that appears on the left, click on “cookies”.

Checking in Firefox

1) Right-click anywhere in the background of the website and select “inspect element” from the drop-down menu.

2) In the new pop-up inspection window that opens, click on “storage”.

3) In the list that appears on the left, click on “cookies”.

Checking in Microsoft Edge

1) Right-click anywhere in the background of the website and select “inspect” from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can press the keystroke (Ctrl+Shift+i) while on the website.

2) In the new pop-up window that opens, click on “application”.

3) In the list that appears on the left, click on “cookies”.

Some cookies ensure that certain parts of the website work properly and that your user preferences remain known. By placing functional cookies, we make it easier for you to visit our website. In this way, you do not need to repeatedly enter the same information when you visit our website. We may place these cookies without your consent.

With regard to third-party cookies, i.e. those that are external to our website, we cannot be held responsible for the content and veracity of the privacy policies that they include, so the information we offer you is always with reference to the source.

Below, we inform you in detail of the cookies that may be installed from our website. Depending on your browsing, all or only some of them may be installed.

Name Purpose Duration Owner
__Secure-3PAPISID, __Secure-3PSID, __Secure-3PSIDCC, These cookies are used to deliver adverts more relevant to you and your interests 2years Google

OGP, OGPC These are used to display geographic locations. These cookies are managed entirely by Google Persistent Google
_ga, _gat, _gid(1) Cookies used by Google Analytics which contains an anonymous identifier used to distinguish users, generate statistical data about how the visitor uses the website and monitor request rates. Persistent www.google-analytics.com

_icl_visitor_lang_js wpml_browser_redirect_test Allows us to identify the user’s language in order to display the website in the correct language From Own Session
(1) Google Analytics cookies: these allow us to monitor the website using the Google Analytics tool, which is a service provided by Google to obtain information on user access to websites. Some of the data stored for subsequent analysis are: the number of times the user has visited the website, dates of the user’s first and last visit, duration of visits, page from which the user has accessed the website, the search engine the user has used to reach the website or link they have selected, the place in the world from which the user accesses the website, etc. The configuration of these cookies is predetermined by the service offered by Google, which is why we suggest that you consult the Google Analytics privacy page, http://www.google.com/intl/es/analytics/privacyoverview.html for more information on the cookies it uses and how to disable them (on the understanding that we are not responsible for the content or veracity of third-party websites).

If you do not want cookies to be stored in your browser or prefer to receive information each time a cookie requests to be installed, you can configure your browsing options to do so. Most browsers allow cookies to be managed in 3 different ways:

Cookies are always rejected; The browser asks if the user wishes to install each cookie; Cookies are always accepted;

Your browser may also include the possibility to select in detail which cookies you want to be installed on your computer. Specifically, the user can normally accept one of the following options: reject cookies from certain domains; reject cookies from third parties; accept cookies as non-persistent (they are deleted when the browser is closed); allow the server to create cookies for a different domain.

To allow, know, block or delete cookies installed on your computer, you can do so by configuring the options of the browser installed on your computer.

Information on how to configure the most commonly used browsers can be found in the following locations:

Internet Explorer: Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Settings.

Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> History -> Custom Settings.

Chrome: Settings -> Show advanced options -> Privacy -> Content settings.

Safari: Preferences -> Security.

For more information about Internet Explorer click here.

For more information about Firefox click here.

For more information about Chrome click here.

For more information about Safari click here.

For more information on Opera click here.

This Cookies Policy may be modified according to legislative or regulatory requirements, or with the aim of adapting this policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency, therefore Users are advised to visit it periodically.

When significant changes are made to this Cookies Policy, they will be communicated to Users either through the website or by e-mail to registered Users.